Hello hello, and thank you so much for stopping by!
So, I’d better introduce myself. I’m Sophie Timms, a 24-year-old old-soul, born and raised in Gloucestershire UK. I am the owner of, and the face behind, Mindful Mantra Embroidery.
A bit about me..
It wasn’t until a few months after I started an extremely stressful job (that I actually secretly loathed) in June 2019, at the same time as starting my LLM Legal Practice Course part-time, that I realised that this career path was really not the one for me. I craved that creative outlet even more, and started dabbling in further crafty handiwork (including pencil sketches, journaling and more stabby-stab needle felt). That being said, nothing seemed to cure the itch, and in March 2020, when the pandemic surged the UK into its first national lockdown, I picked up a needle and thread for the first time since my primary school ‘Patchwork Club’ days. I had a dabble at embroidery, and here I am one whole year later (almost to the day) having turned it into my fully-fledged side hustle, teaching those around me and creating more and more every day.
Despite embroidery and needlepoint being around for literal centuries, modern embroidery has massively risen in popularity over the previous 2 years, particularly throughout the pandemic. The change from being outside and social to staying at home meant that many people (myself included) were looking to find ways to keep their minds and hands busy whilst the entire world shut down.
So, what is 'modern embroidery', and how do you start it?
It soon became my lifeline... something I can no longer imagine my life without.
So, if you feel like embroidery isn’t for you, don’t beat yourself up, we’ve all been there. I have too! I practiced and practiced certain stitches until I learned to get them right – it is a pastime that takes time. If you feel you can’t, then instead, let’s do this together.
We're in this together
I really hope that you stick around to read more over the coming months as I begin to share my not-so-secret secrets about all things modern embroidery!
If you’d like to have a go at learning embroidery, but don’t know where to start, take a look at my brand new ‘Learn to Stitch’ embroidery pattern. This includes a simple pattern where you can practice the different stitches, including lettering. It also includes a 20-page booklet explaining allll the basics, such as loading your hoop, transferring your pattern, starting your stitches, finishing off your hoop once you’re done, and photograph instructions of all the different stitches you'll need!
Don’t forget to sign up to my newsletter to ensure you’re the first to know about any new and upcoming patterns, updates and sales!
Love and hugs

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Greetings from the US!
Looking forward to seeing more😊
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